

Every graduate of the 荣誉学院 completes an 荣誉 Thesis, usually over two 高年级的学期.  Typically, students successfully submit and defend 一篇反映一个或多个创造性或研究性项目的论文 学科. 

The 荣誉学院 has structured its curriculum and programming to help students 建立必要的研究联系,找到一个研究项目,并找到一个导师. 特别地,学生将在他们的学习期间开始探索HON 101的研究选项 first year, find a likely mentor and begin to consider projects in HON 201 during 第二年,在开始之前制定一份完全执行的导师/学员合同 of HON 301, and write a prospectus in HON 301, typically during their third year. The 荣誉学院 holds events to help students meet possible faculty mentors and to network with students and faculty; urges students to attend lectures and special events across the University; and supports student applications for Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowships (SURF), research support, and conference travel.

在研究和撰写论文期间,学生们与一个三人委员会合作, 由一名导师和两名读者(通常称为委员会成员)组成 主修或副修的知识和文化,或其他学科 他们已经展示了专业知识. Projects usually follow the guidelines for departmental 论文学科优等生. 

通过这些项目,学生可以获得最多六(6)个小时或学分 学位要求.  To receive 荣誉学院 credit, each 荣誉 Thesis includes 大量的书面学术研究,反思,如果学科适用,创造性 作品-有适当的文献回顾和/或反思-符合要求 of the represented discipline(s) as well as the 荣誉学院.  每个学生都参与 in a presentation and dialogue with the committee known as the “defense.“在这里 会议上,学生根据荣誉学院和院系的规定为论文进行答辩 需求.  Seniors also present their work at the 荣誉学院 Senior Showcase.  


每个项目必须有一名导师和两名读者,也就是委员会成员, forming a full thesis committee of three individuals.

  • 导师导师通常是该学科的全职本科教师 of study, and expert in the field of the thesis.  通常,导师有一个终端 学位(如. 该学科博士,硕士).  在专业执照等领域, 导师必须拥有不受阻碍的执照. 

    导师通过监督招股说明书为学生提供主要指导; project goals, ongoing research progress, and write-up of the thesis.  学生可能 开发自己的独立项目,或参与现有的研究项目, 研究领域或实验室的导师,但学生必须有自己的身份证明 and substantial research project within the mentor’s area of expertise.  指导 要求定期与学生会面并参与论文答辩.  通常,导师是6个学分论文工作的记录指导老师, 然后提交成绩.  If the 6 credits are taken over two terms, the mentor 是否会为每学期分配的分数制定明确的指导方针——学生必须这样做 not be given an incomplete or place-holding grade for the first term of work.

  • 读者/委员会成员:读者/委员会成员为论文项目增加了另一层见解,并且 通常是在与论文相关的领域. 至少有一个读者应该这么做 是大学教师或学术人员的一员,并具有适当的学位 终端学位.  The other reader on the thesis committee may be from outside the University, as long as they have the requisite professional, academic, or research 经验.

    导师和学生将一起工作,以确定两个读者/附加 委员会成员,一般来自论文学科或相关学科 学科. The mentor will be the primary advisor for the project, but the readers/committee 成员将在过程中的关键时刻提供投入,例如协助 文献资料、方法、审稿、提出建议或要求修改 (in consultation with the mentor), and participating in the thesis defense. 完整的 委员会由荣誉学院院长与各院系协商后批准 在学生专题中有所表现.

    Readers/committee members offer additional guidance for the thesis, and may offer 不是导师提供的专业知识.  读者/委员会成员也提供第二 verification of the student research and thesis expertise.  这种情况贯穿始终 研究和写作的过程,不过主要是通过两个要点来表现的 给学生的反馈.  First, all thesis committee members, including readers, evaluate the project and offer constructive and substantive feedback that furthers the student’s expertise and presentation of his/her/their work. 这种解读发生了 至少在辩方之前有一次.  第二,委员会成员出席辩护 问一些与项目相关的问题,包括项目的目标、程序、结论、 演示和/或未来方向.  


Together the full committee—mentor and two readers/committee members—work together 确保学生在他们的项目中获得专业知识,并理解它是如何实现的 fits into the larger scholarly body of work surrounding the topic. 这也会 确保学生准备好辩护. 


答辩是一次探索学生学习经验,提出进一步建议的机会 成长的领域,并通过具有挑战性的问题验证学生的工作 at an appropriate level, but also affirm hard and creative work.  在剧院演出 defense is usually part of the student’s final grade for the second term of their 论文作业.

辩护不是一个论点,而是一个机会,以确保学生 has achieved expertise, and understands the field as well as the project. 


  • student presentation of his/her/their work (20 to 35 minutes)
  • discussion and probing questions from committee members (15 to 30 minutes) 
  • closed-door executive discussion among the committee members (10 to 15 minutes)
  • private conference with the committee members and the student (10 to 15 minutes)

学生作业的展示可以公开进行,也可以闭门进行 event with guests invited by the student and the committee. 荣誉学院必须 有代表出席.  Committee members will receive first priority in questions, 并应探讨目标,程序,结论,演示,和/或未来的方向 与学生作业相关的内容. These questions are typically open-ended, and ask that the student think critically about their work.  客人也可以提问, 如果时间允许的话. 

重要的是学生,而不是导师,回答问题和 从而说明他们的专业知识、理解能力、能力和成就.

在提问期之后,辩护必须包括闭门行政会议 to evaluate the student performance, to determine what adjustments are required in 最终的结果,以及决定学生是否通过,有限制的通过, 或失败.  After the executive session, the student rejoins the committee members 来听听结果.  Typically, the committee does request changes, though—rarely—the 论文可以不修改就通过. 


The final thesis is a formal, single-authored paper in which the student presents substantial original research and analysis, or a substantial creative work. 作为两届总统, 六个学分的专题,论文应反映出深入的研究和/或创造性的努力; 包括相关背景和文献综述,以及撰写论文的努力 在专业、正式的术语中.

论文格式遵循大学研究生院提供的指导方针 南阿拉巴马州. The thesis will include a cover page signed by the mentor, the committee, 以及荣誉学院院长.

虽然长度因学科而异,但大多数论文项目将包括大约五页 封面内容(标题页、版权页、致谢、奉献和表格) of contents), thirty to fifty double-spaced body pages of text, and five pages of 背景材料(如参考书目).


Theses will be compiled for each year, bound and duplicated. 副本将被放置 在大学图书馆,大学档案馆和荣誉中心作为参考 文档.






